Due to high levels of seasonal illness in our community, we strongly recommend wearing a mask in our hospital and clinics. 请参阅我们的病人访客政策.

Eyesight is one of life’s most precious gifts. 我们十大正规网赌软件眼科诊所的医生和经验丰富的工作人员致力于帮助您保持和改善您的眼睛健康. From comprehensive exams and medical procedures, to specialized care for problems relating to a variety of health conditions, 眼科诊所提供的技能和专业知识,将有助于您和您的家人的眼睛健康终身.

We provide medical and surgical eye procedures for cataracts, 黄斑变性, glaucoma and vision-threatening 糖尿病性视网膜病变. When you have a preventive eye exam performed, 我们把你的处方发到MyChart上, so you always have it available when ordering frames or contact lenses.


和大多数常规保健一样, frequency of exams depends upon the patient’s age, 健康及家族史.


  • 在开始一年级之前
  • Every year or two from age 6 to 18 for young people wearing glasses
  • 从19岁到60岁,每隔一两年
  • 从61岁起每年一次
  • 对于糖尿病患者, patients with vision problems or a family history of poor vision health, 我们建议每年检查一次


Should you need further attention, the Eye Clinic offers:

  • 青光眼的评价与治疗, 黄斑变性, 糖尿病性视网膜病变, 结膜炎。, 干眼, 眼睛受伤, 以及其他眼部慢性疾病
  • 白内障手术


眼科医生是一名技术高超的医生,他受过专门的训练,可以为你的整个家庭提供全方位的眼部护理,包括进行复杂而精细的眼部手术. 许多眼科医生也参与了对原因的科学研究, 还有治疗方法, 眼部疾病和视力问题.


A cataract is a clouding of the transparent lens in the eye. 随着时间的推移, 越来越多的云会模糊你的视野,最终剥夺你阅读的乐趣, 驾驶汽车的能力, and even something as simple as watching your favorite movie. 由于最新的外科手术进展,通常可以安全地恢复清晰的视力. If you suspect cataracts are impairing your vision, call 425.690.3415.


吸烟, 高血压。, 胆固醇, a bad diet and genetics can all contribute to your risk for eye disorders. 高血压, 例如, 损害身体血管, 包括视网膜后面的那些. Unchecked, these risk factors can lead to a host of disorders. 黄斑变性, which can inhibit a person’s ability to read or drive, is the leading cause of vision loss or blindness in adults age 65 and older.


对眼睛有益的食物包括颜色鲜艳、含有抗氧化剂的水果和蔬菜. 种子, 坚果, oily fish such as salmon and sardines and supplements including lutein, 玉米黄质, fish oil and alpha and beta carotenes provide nutrients for eye health.


“The doctor always took time to explain and listen. I felt very confident…as I had my cataract surgeries.”




每年超过60%的60岁或以上的成年人会出现白内障的症状, 浑浊眼的自然晶状体的浑浊. Symptoms may include poor reading vision, 夜间视力差, 光线似乎比以前更刺眼了, 或者颜色显得不那么明亮.

如果你有这些症状 给我们办公室打电话 为了一个简单的筛检.


十大正规网赌软件的眼科诊所在其最先进的设施中拥有最先进的技术. 我们的团队经验丰富,训练有素,可以进行技术最先进的医疗和外科眼科手术, including the removal of cataracts and the insertion of intraocular lenses. 白内障手术通常在门诊的局部麻醉下进行,是所有医学中最成功的手术之一.


A cataract is a clouding of the natural human lens. 晶状体是眼睛的一部分,它将光线聚焦到视网膜上,产生清晰的图像. 它主要由蛋白质组成. 如果一个人的晶状体中的蛋白质随着时间的推移而变性,它就会变得浑浊,被称为“白内障”."

One example of denaturing protein would be in "hard boiling" an egg. 鸡蛋中的透明液体(蛋白质)受热后会变性,变成白色固体.

人眼中的晶状体蛋白随着时间的推移逐渐变性,首先变得不那么灵活. 到40岁左右的时候,晶状体就不能再弯曲来完全聚焦近距离的图像了, so we begin wearing reading glasses for close vision. At this age, however, the lens is usually still visually clear.


白内障 are a normal part of the aging process, the early signs of which may be noted as early as age 50. 有人说,如果每个人都能活到200岁,我们都需要摘除白内障. Some folks get cataracts earlier than others. 大多数白内障进展缓慢, and are not visually significant; until approximately age 65 or older. 白内障 can come on sooner with certain systemic diseases such as diabetes, 或者某些职业, like glass blowers requiring one to stare at UV light all day at work.

当白内障变得更严重时,它们开始降低光线有效通过晶状体的能力, 导致视觉清晰度下降的. 它们通常形成缓慢,不伴有疼痛、红肿或撕裂.


A cataract is not significant, however, until it interferes with vision. 如果白内障变大或变密, 它通常可以通过手术切除, 但有些则很小,在一生中不会对人的视力造成太大的影响.

而白内障由于晶状体混浊而导致视力下降, 它们不影响视野, 但由于对比敏感度降低,这些人在光线不足的环境中看东西更困难. 许多白内障患者对光和眩光的敏感度增加. 阅读材料看起来褪色或模糊,在昏暗的灯光下更难以阅读. 病人有时也会注意到夜间路灯或车灯周围有光晕. People frequently mention an overall sensitivity to glare, 尤其是在晚上, such as the reflection of light from metal on a car or pavement, 或者荧光灯顶灯. 颜色出现褪色或褪色,患者更换眼镜处方可能无法改善视力清晰度. 在白天, patients with cataracts may notice that they are morelight sensitive, but sunglasses only appear to reduce vision.


白内障手术通常是非常安全的, 成功率高吗, and is one of the most common surgeries performed in the U.S. It is estimated that 95% of patients experience improved vision after surgery, provided there are no other eye conditions or diseases present. Approximately 5% of surgery cases result in minor complications.

白内障手术期间, the surgeon removes the cloudy natural lens of the eye and, 在大多数情况下, replaces it with a clear silicone or acrylic lens. 这种植入物实际上是放置在眼睛内的一个非常小的处方晶状体,它将改善大多数患者的远距离视力质量, although reading glasses are almost always still needed.


For more information on 白内障切除, 点击这里 for our Patient Info page with informative links.

You may see something floating or flashing within your vision, but what you may be seeing is matter that is floating in your eye. The condition, 在大多数情况下, is more bothersome than harmful. 在某些情况下, 突然出现飞蚊或闪光可能表明有更严重的眼睛状况.

飞蚊症 (或“斑点”)是漂浮在玻璃体内部的小块物质, the fluid that fills the inside of your eyes. 飞蚊症通常与40多岁左右开始的正常衰老过程有关. 它们可能看起来像小斑点或纤维,在你的视野中缓慢移动.

闪光 appear as streaks, shooting stars, or false blasts of light. 大多数50岁以后的成年人都会经历闪光,这是正常衰老过程的一部分,因为玻璃体变厚并与感光的视网膜摩擦. 就像漂浮者一样, 闪光应该由眼科医生检查,以确保它们不是更严重问题的早期征兆.

干眼症指的是眼睛分泌的眼泪太少的情况, 或者眼泪从眼睛里流得太快. Symptoms may include eyes that feel itchy, 坚韧不拔的, red and dry; eyelids that stick together upon awakening; difficulty wearing contact lenses; hay fever or sinus problems, 以及反复感染.

干眼症的常见治疗方法包括简单的眼药水,即“人工泪液”,或者限制或关闭眼睑的引流通道. 不及时治疗, 干眼 may lead to corneal infections and ulcers, 结膜炎。, Chalazia和翼状胬肉.

Dry eye can be caused by irregularities in the blinking process, 药物, 过度暴露在自然环境中, 维生素a缺乏, 或者一个过大的排水渠.

To determine if treatment is necessary, 联络我们的办事处. 

青光眼 is the leading preventable cause of blindness. It is essential to catch this condition early and why adults 35 and older should visit an eye doctor every year.

在早期阶段, 青光眼只能通过眼科医生的检查来检测. 视力的丧失通常是渐进的,无痛的,大多数人都没有意识到,直到损害是永久性的. Vision lost through glaucoma cannot be restored.

治疗方法包括滴眼液和药片来控制眼压, 青光眼的病因. This pressure can lead to the pinching of the optic nerve, leading to the loss of peripheral vision and eventual blindness.

再一次, 这种情况在早期通常没有任何症状,可在常规眼科检查中发现. 黄斑变性发生在黄斑内,位于视网膜的中心区域. This area is primarily responsible for your straight-ahead and color vision.

As fluid separates the layers of the retina, vision cells in the macula are pushed out of their normal orientation. The result gives a person the feeling they are looking through flawed glass.

There is no known cure for the most common form of 黄斑变性, although lasers can be used to repair weak areas of the macula. 低视力艾滋病, 比如眼镜, 放大镜, 特殊设计的灯具和大字印刷的书籍和杂志帮助患者过上相对正常的视力生活.

For more information on eye and vision conditions, you may find some of these online resources helpful. If you have questions, please feel free to 联络我们的办事处.




眼科门诊| VMC专科护理

呼叫。 425.690.3415 传真 425.690.9003